oregon coast

Our family vacation ended today, after 6 days of togetherness in the car, in our tent, and at the beach.  We had a rough go of it.  There was a lot of whining, not a lot of listening and some grumpiness all around.  Luckily, we recovered- we changed course saving ourselves some time in the car and saving our sanity.  And really, it ended up being a good trip.  We wished it could have been great from the beginning- but at the end, we still got the run in the sand, together, which was the whole point of it anyway.

From the beginning, Fort Stevens State Park, Warrenton, Oregon- shortly after this picture we were hit by a rogue wave, it only hit the boys knees, but they were not prepared for it (well, no one was prepared for it).  It made us very sad.

“Mama, take our picture by the huge gun.”

Visiting Fort Clatsop

Ecola State Park

Our second campground- Nehalem Bay State Park and our preferred method to getting to and from the beach- crawling…

Luckily our scare a few days earlier did not leave any nasty damage- we still love the water!

My favorite people

A great day, we had the whole beach to ourselves

Sand Angels!

These guys may have had a bit of fun- they may also not be moving for the next two weeks

Dinner at our hotel, The Kennedy School, Portland

A photo by our budding photographer, Henry



We built things,

Ate A LOT of fruit, seriously, we are keeping Washington growers, well, growing,

We explored,

We read (this is my view while making dinner most nights (if they aren’t whacking each other with bats in the backyard),

We got all fancy and went to a wedding of our close friends,

We became a budding photographer (the older one, but the younger one usually wants in on this too) this month, always asking to take pictures,

We went to Cresent Bar with the ladies and swam, rode bikes and climbed trees,

MAMIE came, and read us books and played and played and played,

And, did I mention fruit eating?  Yup, we did a lot of that too.