snow & more

We were living inside a snow globe this last weekend and it was so wonderful (we didn’t have to be anywhere). The boys were in heaven and the it really was just so pretty. Now we are in deep with slush and drips which is great for wanting to go for a run or drive, but not so much for the scenery or making boys happy…

Before the the snow, waiting for our hiking buddies.
Heart art.
Bennett really loves math right now 🙂
Another day for a hike up a huge hill!
Someone’s hands were freezing! I am sure it had nothing to do with playing in a creek in February…
Ugh, just so pretty.
Friday AM- they were all outside as of 7:15
Happy Birthday Bapa!!!
And Saturday- that is a bit better in the snow department.
Happy pandemic birthday to our now teenager!
Nothing like spending a morning out in the snow to come in and be the official frosting bowl cleaner for your brother’s birthday cake. Rough life…
He spent hours outside filling the truck with snow, and then he spent hours emptying it. He slept well this weekend.
We snuck away for a snowy walk to our neighborhood woods- it was so quiet and peaceful.
20 years together this month.
We were the only ones in the woods- it was so nice. Thank you Mimi and Bapa for keeping an eye on the boys.
And we came back and were promptly attacked.

{this moment}

It’s February! Which means it is major birthday month in our household. We started out this first week of the month with Bennett turning 11. Gosh we like him a lot, more on his birthday coming soon.

This week we crushed it- a birthday, outside time in the rain & sunshine, almost no school tantrums and only a few tears shed (really just one day was highly emotional, the rest were just fine for one particular child).

Reading us his writing assignment- he was very proud of his sassiness and humor. Also Legs…
When putting Rory to bed last week he told me he had this great idea of ordering pizza for dinner the next night. Then he says, “I know, I’ll write Dada a letter telling him my good idea and having him pick a pizza place.” So Saturday morning, after waiting for Chris to leave the room, Rory came in with a clipboard, piece of paper and a pencil and here they are finishing up the letter to Chris. No worries, Chris also thought it was a great idea and pizza was ordered that evening.
The king of selfies…
Ha- they make the same face 🙂
Birthday Dude (and the usual mess in the background).
Mud man
Big brothers are the best.
So grateful for this- for sunshine, for being outside, and for being with them. They have no regard for how much laundry they create, but really, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Mud Man #2