august 2020

Welp, that went fast.  We are now attempting to wind down summer and get ready for the school year.  Everyday another dump of emails come in reminding us that the school year is about to start!  Yikes!  Slowly but surely we will get there- I have started organizing the school room and let’s just say- it isn’t looking too good right now… I’ll spare you the pictures.

At the beginning of the month we celebrated my birthday.  The boys happily agreed to take me on a hike- which happened to be a bit steeper than I remembered and the weather was nice, but not the warmest for lake jumping at the top.  The boys got in (even Bennett how does not like water weeds!).  This experience of hiking while wearing masks prompted the youngest to complain, “I hate people” when re-telling the number of times he had to slip his mask up when we encountered others on the trail.  I am sure he will be fine post pandemic- hehehe.

The rest of the month has looked like river visits, trips to the neighbors pool, harvesting from the garden, reading books, playing games and working in the kitchen.  We participated in a virtual summer camp through a local museum and I was pleasantly surprised how into the crafts all the boys were- yeah Norse myths!

We have opened our bubble a bit to include our good friends and have ventured to the river with them a couple of times.  The Mama’s didn’t tell the kiddos and their faces were pretty cute when they saw each other in the parking lot.  Nearly six months without your friends is a lot.  There were no tears of joy, which disappointed me a bit, but they were pretty darn tickled to say the least.  We hope to continue meeting up and having our partners in wilderness adventures back.

And when the 12 year old says he has taken care of his own sunscreen… he was fine- not even pink the next day, but funny.  I think he learned his lesson.

More Norse mythology, river days, outside lounging, the benefits of having grandparents that walk for coffee + the outfit of choice most days (t-shirts, underwear, no pants…)

july 2020

A little of what we have been up to- finally upgraded our family computer so photos shouldn’t take days to download- yeah!

We rarely wore clothes (and when we did, it was costumes or pajamas), we discovered a new local river spot that we have since visited three times and have plans to go again next week, we swam at the neighbors pool, played outside, met our cousins for some social distancing beach time, read a lot of books and made a lot of messes.

The calendar is empty but our days are busy.  The garden is in full bloom and we are enjoying our slower days.  We miss friends and family terribly, but really have to pinch ourselves for what we have.  July 2020- not what we thought it would be, but pretty darn good all the same.