playing catch up

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Things have been a bit silent around here lately.  Mainly due to the fact that our computer broke, allowing it to only open a few inches in order to see the screen.  Blog writing in a taco didn’t happen very often.  Photo uploading in a taco didn’t happen very often.  So, here we are, learning a new computer, trying to get everything moved from one computer to the new one and trying to figure out all the new fancy things our old one didn’t have (hello touch screen…).

The boys (and their parents) have been enjoying summer.  Swim lessons, play time outside, rope swinging, garden working and reading has been what our days are filled with.  We went on an awesome camping trip with our friends (be warned, photo dump follows) and found a place we hope to return to year after year.   We have been getting set for our second year of homeschooling.  We are getting organized- purchasing supplies, making lesson plans and making lists of craft supplies to purchase.  This Mama is very excited for the year to come- I think it is going to be a good one.  With one year under our belt we learned a lot- about what worked and what didn’t, about what keeps a young boys interest and what doesn’t.  I don’t expect this year to be perfect, but I am excited to get things started.  I have our start date set for middle of September when other activities start so I have a few more weeks of prep work that I desperately need.

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Henry has started his league soccer and is enjoying practicing and playing with real shin guards.  He is mighty cute in his get up and please keep your fingers crossed for nice weather on Wednesdays and Saturdays- otherwise we are those people… the ones you are not jealous of as you drive past the fields in your nice dry car…  He will start up with swim lessons in a few weeks and continue with piano.  That along with two co-op classes this boy should be busy, but also have some down time.   Hopefully I can put off the guitar and violin lessons he is requesting… oh my.


Bennett has been taking the swim pool by storm.  Good bye is my sobbing, silent boy who did not deal with new teachers or environments well (that may be a stretch, I do expect this child to return, but not in the pool!).  He started a new class a few weeks ago, walked right into the pool and talked to his teacher!  He raises his hand and shouts “ME!” when the teacher asks who wants to go first.  What a change this boy has made.  It is really astonishing.  He is quite a fish and was learning breaststroke kick last.  He told his teacher it was his favorite thing about swim lessons.  Perhaps he is following in Mama’s foot steps???  In addition to swimming he has been cruising around the roundabout without training wheels on his bike scaring his mother and father daily with his antics.  He is fearless this one.  We have had a few skids, but overall he just took right off and hasn’t looked back.  Oh my Benny.


And Rory, oh my sweet, exhausting child.  You are everywhere.  We now have to lock doors because you can open them and get outside.  Speaking of, it is where he wants to be ALL THE TIME!  I didn’t need to get dinner made or clothes washed anyway- into nature we go!  Rory has been reading up a storm and his pointer finger is getting a lot of work these days too.  We are still not talking much but does surprise us with words daily, yesterday it was cow.  He knows more than we know and one of these days is going to just speak in a whole sentence.  He knows where his nose, mouth, eyes, hands, arms and chubby feet are.  He will bring you a book and then just plop down right where he is and wants you to read it.  He is extremely adorable and so much work right now.  He can climb the ladder to the tree fort, make a beeline for the road and escape the backyard in a matter of seconds.  We are on our toes with this one for sure.  He wants to be doing everything his brothers are doing and he wants to do it right now!  He wants a fork and plate with his meal- please do not just give him food on a tray… no thank you.  He wants a water bottle just like his big brothers and also wants to be doing everything they are- lego building, drawing, snacking- you name it, this little one is right there… pointing…


At 15 months he is learning and repeating new words everyday.  He knows ducks quack (or “KAK!”), horses neigh and that his monitor receiver is a phone (“Hi!”).  We vroom cars around and shriek with delight when chased around the kitchen by our brothers or father.  We point out every airplane we hear and see, we go to our seat when we want to eat and have I mentioned pointing, we do that a lot too.

So that is about it.  Summer is winding down although I feel like we didn’t do much.  Our garden has been providing all the vegetables we require and maybe next year we will get enough to save for the winter.  It has been fun learning this land and making notes of what do to and what not to do next year.  This farm boss has her farm hands on board for building a greenhouse.  We should be ready for seed starts in February!  I am sad to see the warmer days leaving us, but am reminded that here, we still have at least four more weeks of summer.  I enjoy the sweater wearing in the morning, but love the warmer weather in the afternoon.   You will usually find us in the field, on our blanket, reading or drawing, or following a one year old around.  Sometimes we are playing soccer- but all the time we are outside.

We have more in store for the next few weeks- organization for starters.  Construction started this weekend and I must say there was a lot of standing around and watching the big machines dig stuff up and move stuff.  Some expensive entertainment is up for the three Geitz boys this fall.

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