a fresh start

Last week was big, for me anyway.  It was a long time coming, I just was not ready to accept it, totally not, but, so far, one week in, it could be one of the best decisions I have made.  Henry stopped napping.  For months it has been a battle- if not at nap time, bedtime, or a VERY VERY early morning time.  Every day I got frazzled, I was short, I got irriated (nice, right?).  Finally it was decided, he really isn’t tired at noon anymore (enter HUGE sigh from mama).

So, we came up with a new plan, books while Mama puts our brother down, separate Mama and Henry time and then together time.  It has been awesome.  As requested by the almost four year old, we play Candy Land and drink tea (and sometimes, other games and more books).

I didn’t think I was ready for him not to nap.  There is the whole, you are still a baby, right?  You need a nap.  And the whole, I worked really hard to get you two on the same schedule, now how will I get things done?  And the, um, you are still a baby, right?  But now, I look forward to our time together, we talk, we sip tea, we come up with a lot of “What if’s” and we ask a lot of questions (like, “Why is Mr. Mint minty?  Or, Why is the King made of candy?  Why is his house made out of candy?  Why is Gloppy brown?- you know, important questions).  I am still not ready for him to grow up, head off to school, get a girlfriend and ask for the car keys, but for now, things are good.  Very very good.

kauai 2012

This weekend we returned from Kauai, yes, we missed the state of emergency in the Pacific Northwest, whoops.  We had a great time, a fantastic time- it was awesome.  For the past few years we have travelled to Hawaii with my family- we end up doing it again every year, so we must be doing something right.  But what it really comes down to, is we have fun, we play, we talk, we play some more and then we swim in the ocean.  And then, we decide we have to do it again next year- yes please!

One particular almost 4 year old was very excited to head west.  He was ready to swim in the pool.  Not the ocean, he reminded us, but the pool.  Well, he got to play in the pool A LOT.  He went from just sitting in the shallow end, to kicking himself around on the inflatable turtle, to jumping off the edge, to being thrown from family member to family member, to sporting goggles, to sticking his face in voluntarily.  Big steps from this very cautious little boy of mine.  We are ready to swim on our own (if he just weren’d so dense, poor guy, it would be easier).  So hopefully, next Hawaiian vacation, we will be self propelled.

Henry found the deliciousness of POG, mastered Go Fish, fell in love with the Frog and Toad books and enjoyed whale spouts.  He even saw whale flukes, which is pretty cool, from 4 to 30 or 50 years old- a whale sighting is exciting.   He also dug big holes in the sand, enjoyed having his legs buried in the sand and even allowed waves to touch him (ahhhh).

Bennett was slow to accept the ocean, he finally did, but never wanted to go in, but it became okay if the water accidentally touched him.  He was slow to enter the pool, but once he did he was a jumping, blast off taking fool.  Again, again.  Although today he told me that blast offs hurt his eyes (at the time he didn’t care, but sometimes it is after the fact, you know).  By the end he would just hop in the pool by himself and just jump and walk around the shallow end.  We had a difficult time regulating our body temperature, so we weren’t quite the water monkey our brother was, but we did have a great time.  We really like pineapple, a lot, we asked for it today for lunch, it is so so good.

As for the rest of us, we got to play with some cute kids, bob around in the ocean, watch for whales, witness beautiful sunsets, and then witness even more amazing stars (I saw my first shooting star!!!).  We discovered a wonderful cocktail named for where we were staying, it was yummy.  We discovered Go Fish is enjoyable at any age and that my mother really really likes to win (and then rub it in… just a bit…).  We discovered that Bapa’s belly produces the best raspberries and that paper bags are not the best throw up receptacle.  We discovered that we squeal when a whale breeches and that drinks at sunset are the best.  We discovered (although we kind of already knew) how fortunate and lucky we are for being able to do this every year.  Thank you Bapa and Grandma- you spoil us rotten, we are so lucky to have you, and, um, have we asked this before, we are going to the Big Island next year, right???



Just as I suspected, your 22nd month flew by and here were are, already into month 23…  Hmmm, one month until you are 2 years old.  I only have a few more days to soak that in.

December has been a month of firsts- our first flu, accompanied by our first throwing up, our first time sharing a room with our big brother, and our first Christmas where we sort of understand that opening presents is really REALLY fun.

Oh Benny, I think I have mentioned before, but you are a talker.  People comment on this all the time- they are shocked how they went from not understanding a word you say to NOW understanding everything.  Although, the other night Bapa was wondering how it was possible that the only word he understood from you was “flashlight.”  I think it is just him…

This month was suppose to include your first haircut.  Well, I imagine you can guess, based on the pictures, that I just couldn’t do it.  It means you become a little man too fast and I love your rats nest and your curls.  I get made fun of this, but I really, really love your hair- so, it stays.

You copy anything your brother does or says.  This is extremely cute.  You are becoming such a boy.  This evening you and Henry were having a (pretend)picnic on the floor, Henry set up the blanket and you ran back to the play room to get food from your kitchen (you came back with a tea kettle and a slice a pizza).  When did you put the two together?  You are figuring out so much every day- this age is really amazing and so very fun.

We do have our moments- you have a fantastic fake cry- mouth wide open, screaming- it really is good.  You are also picking up some bad habits from your brother- not going to sleep, not staying in your seat at the table and jumping on the bench.  When you are told not to do something, you just give this stink eye look and continue to do it, but more discretly- SERIOUSLY kid?  It is really funny, your Dad and I have a really hard time keeping our stern faces on, but you should not be figuring this out already, no, you should not.

You are also learning some pretty cool things from your brother.  He is a good big brother and can be very sweet.  You guys do enjoy hitting each other, sometimes for fun, sometimes not.  Am I going to just have to get used to this?  So far you aren’t listening…ahem…  You guys also argue in the car about which side of the car you see things on.  “My side, Henny.”  “No, my side Bennett.”  Oh it goes on and on.. and then, “Mama, Bennett says the truck was on his side, but it wasn’t, it was on my side.”   Oh dear…

You can put on your own shoes.

You still enjoying riding on my back, this little part reminds me that you are still my baby boy.

You love music and have favorite songs.  We went to a concert last week and, although a few of your favorite songs were played, it was a bit overwhelming  (Let’s just say that my kids are not the ones dancing around.  They like to sit and take it in, and have snacks).

You do not like to wake up in the middle of the night and discover that you are STILL in the car.

You also do not like being waken up by fireworks.  The only year I have not had a kid wake up on New Years Eve, at midnight, was when you were in my belly.

You do like your new bed.  “Dada make me bed.”  You also have a growing collection of friends that must be in bed with you.  A bear, Max, an elf, Betty Lou and, occasionally, a gecko- oh, and a parent.  It is very crowded.  You have a small bed.

This month has also been all about puzzles, or puwhzzles.  I have done more puzzles in the past 2 weeks than I have done in my entire life.  It is the first thing you want to do in the morning, the last thing you want to do at night (well, before naked running, of course), and I am assuming you dream about them when you sleep.  I guess Santa should have brought more…

Our days have been slower lately, which is good, we are getting a lot of puzzle time and reading time in.  We went to the library last week and you just kept making stacks of books to take home.  I am surpised I got out of there before you realized that not every book you stacked was in my bag.  You and your brother do love to read- and that is okay with me.  It is one of my favorite places to be, sitting, reading with you two.

This next month will also be exciting- you get to go on your second trip to Hawaii and hopeful we will see snow (not in Hawaii, but here, we could use a snow day, don’t you think?).  We also have birthdays to plan- February is a big month in our house!

Benny-Boo, Happy 23rd month.  We love you.

in december



 In December… just a little…

outside time
gingerbread decorating (and eating)
crazies (ahem… I mean, friends) testing the waters of Puget Sound
snow eating
sweater dancing
cousin poking
concert giving and attending (both the home grown version and the paid version)
room changing
grandma drawing/restuaranting
new toy/play room enjoying


New Years Eve, with good friends, good food, and silly games (we are so lucky they agree to come to our house so the babes can sleep snug in their beds, well, until midnight that is, when fireworks always wake them up…)

Happy New Year!  2012 promises to be busy and fun.