
The boys and I met up with our favorite “sweet cheeks” lasterday (a Henry word we hope to someday have entered in the dictionary) and came home with some berry crushed pants and berry filled baskets.  The boys did great- Bennett only ate a few (but then a few more bit the dust when we fell on them) and Henry did not eat one, because, well, as he told us, “you have to wash them first.”


little treasures

Our house is covered with treasure- mostly rocks that Henry finds outside, a few shells, a piece of driftwood that is his mallet.  While dusting today (yes, I dust, contrary to the quantities that show up in my house) I had to move these treasures- they are in jars, on the mantel and in the kitchen.  We have jars of treasure from vacations, but mostly, these treasures come from the backyard or the parking lot of our CSA.

I keep EVERYTHING Henry give me- every rock, every stick, everything pinecone.  Our house is covered.  I made a Christmas ornament last year with the treasures from 2010- I can’t help it.  The excitement that he shows towards finding these things and then who they are intended for is enough for this Mama’s heart.  While out walking we will collect things for Grandma, or Mamie, or Aunt Di, or Dada (and sometimes they actually make it to their intended person, sometimes, they get dropped).  And sometimes, these things are for me.  I find these treasures in cup holders of the stroller, of a car seat, I find them in pockets, in containers on the counter, in the bathroom.  I scoop them up, put them in a jar, on the mantel or by my bedside.  I want to remember the simplicity- how exciting it can be to find a mallet shaped piece of wood- or a white rock, or a purple rock, or a red rock, or a rock with spots.

Other treasures in the house are those beautiful boys themselves.  Our calendar has been busy these past few weeks (months) and we had a day at home earlier this week.  The boys played, housework was done, and we sat down for lunch at the table in our house.  After lunch Henry had to use the restroom, he called for his bbb (bathroom buddy brother/Bennett) and the two of them were in there chatting.  It was pretty quiet in there, so I decided to check things out.  Things I find:

  • a 3 year old going to the bathroom WHILE holding onto a container of mouthwash and
  • an almost 1 1/2 year old wearing a toilet seat as a hat WHILE sitting on a froggy potty

I tried to have them recreate what I saw after I ran to get the camera, but, no success.  I did get one (Note- there are pottys in this picture).  Treasures I tell ya, them come in different forms, all enjoyable for this Mama in all the same way.


Our trip to the land of the midnight sun did not disappoint- there was playing, running, eating, more playing, exploring and fun. The boys were great travellers, melted hearts of their grandparents and uncle and are now exhausted. Our week has been busy, but we have been getting a few extra minutes of sleep when we can- there is so much to do now that we are home. Toys that haven’t been played with, flowers to pull off that weren’t there before we left and books to read that were left on the shelf- just so much to take care of this week. We also welcomed our baby cousin and have met him once and can’t wait until he is feeling a bit better so we can go get some more snuggles. For, we ALL must hold him.

busy bees

We have been rather busy lately- gathering (a word Henry uses a lot, which cracks me up) Mamie from the airport, playing with Mamie, spending the day with BOTH grandmothers, going to a baby shower for our soon to be arriving baby cousin, playing with Mamie, going to a pool party, playing with Mamie, going out to dinner, playing with Mamie, going to the farm to “check up” (Henry’s reason for going, I pick up food) on the animals, talk about visting Mamie, play at home and finally, pack our bags to go play with Mamie.  Weew.  Did I mention that Mamie was HERE?  Or that we are going to visit Mamie TOMORROW? 

And with all that playing and running around, I have done a wonderful job of not taking any pictures.  Hmmm….  I did, however, capture my boys, wanting to be just like their Dada.

Enjoy- we will be back next week!


Well, hello handsome…

Um, hello belly…

Bennett looks in pain here, but I am fairly certain they were singing (sorry for cropping off Henry’s head)…

on a sunny day

If you were here to join us this weekend, you may have enjoyed some…

dining on our new picnic table
arts and crafts time on the window
a work in progress
and a portrait by Henry

AND…finally some clothes drying on the clothesline, which, is so ridiciulously one of my favorite things (especially with helpers).  Although, I am still trying to figure out how one is suppose to hang up the gravel found in the washer?

Hope everyone had a wonderful sunny weekend!



Today you turn 16 months old.  We went to music class, the park, and now you are still asleep in the garage.  This garage napping thing has become a bit of a habit these days- you get so busy, so exhausted you can’t make it home for a nap in your bed- so, you sleep in the car, with a blanket and we have Flanders listen for you to wake up.

Speaking of naps- one of them is on the way out the door.  We still are not entirely a one nap fella, but we are getting close (hence the complete exhaustion and car napping).

This month you successfully crossed your first international border, you perfected climbing, reading books, stomping in puddles, sucking on rocks and eating dirt.  You eat more than your brother (food and dirt) right now- scary.  You love dessert.

Your response to any question is to shake your head “no”- which, to confuse those around you means yes AND no, so it is still a guessing game.  You learn a new word just about every day- some new ones are “splash,” “fish,” and “back.”  You are very determined to put everything “back.”  You throw away garbage, you wipe your nose with tissues (or socks), you wash your hands off in the dog water bowl, and you pinch the buds off of all flowers.  You have put full sentences together,- “I got a book.” and “Look, a car.”

You love the slide at the park- this makes me very nervous.  Earlier this week, since you don’t always remember to sit before heading down the slide (even after my nagging reminders), you flipped over the edge of the slide.  Luckily Mama was there to save you, but man, I think that cut a few months off of my life.  You wanted to go right back up and go again, I wanted to go home- I won.

You love being outside.  I have never seen a child get more enjoyment out of a puddle than you.  We have a rotation of shoes just for this reason.  We have to stomp, and stand, and stomp some more.  We then point to our feet, like, um, why are these guys wet?  I don’t like it.  And then we head right back into the puddle for some more splashing.  You love dirt, you move it from pot to pot, flower to flower.  You throw balls into the pea plants and into the flower beds.  The place with the most dirt right now is the milk box- I am sure the milkman gets a kick out of this pile every week.

You like to ride your bike, because Henry is riding his, but you HATE HATE HATE the helmet.  Sometimes you allow it to be on your head, other times your scream and pull it off- then I take your bike away.  This makes you VERY VERY mad.  You also think that we should be pushing you around on it (all because I did it one day to get you across the street faster to the cul-de-sac).

When you get something in your head, you do not forget- you are impossible to distract.  A chunk of apple in the street- you need it, the neighbors balls- you need those too, and the sea gulls on the beach- um, why do they always fly away?  You tremble at the sight of chickens, but you still want to go near them.  You think the pigs on the farm are pretty darn funny.

You do this washing machine dance that is hysterical.  You have the whole family dancing to the rhythm of the washing machine.  When it starts, you rush into the laundry room and start bouncing.  Even when you are asleep, your dad and I can’t help but do a little performance in your honor.

You refuse to hold my hand.  I sometimes trick you and get a whole 4 seconds of hand holding in.  This is problematic on the sidewalk or in parking lots- I am still carrying you around a lot. 

You are very into books- you like them all.  The other day we were all stuck in traffic- we all wanted out of the car, you guys were a little more vocal about this than I was, I handed you a book and you opened it up and started screaming, ” GAH, Gaaaaa, go, bu, awh, mamama.”  You had Henry and I laughing- you are a great storyteller.

You are so quick these days, I put you down in the store you are two rows over, I walk back to the bedrooms and you are up on the table- sheesh- when did you get so big?  When I come home from my runs you are the first to greet me- you rush to the window and wave to me, then you run around the couch and point to my shoes- time to take those off Mama.  You are right next to Henry in the morning when he waves to Dada as he leaves for work. 

You are becoming quite the character- you have the best sly smile.  This smile goes well with the cute whispy curls around your ears.  I had to trim your bangs last week- I completely forgot to save the hair too- I guess technically it was a hair cut, just a trim.

Benny-boo, we are looking forward to some more puddle stomping, picnicing and bird chasing this summer.  Your dad has a big project for you guys this weekend- we know you will love it. 

Happy 16 months kiddo.