
Back in August (ahem…), Henry and Chris headed out on their first backpacking trip.  Henry has been asking for awhile to go and they made it happen.  I am told everything about it was AWESOME!  (even the heavy pack and the tired legs and the freeze dried food).  I think they learned a few things about over packing and that hiking a lot makes you tired and it is a good thing because you fall asleep very quickly in your tent.  I am sure this will become an annual adventure if not more- Bennett is chomping at the bit to also be included in these adventures.


slowing down in fall

I did not intend to stay away for over a month, nope, not at all, but man, life.  We have been finding our fall rhythm and returning to our schedules of co-op, swim practice, wilderness school and school work.  We had a rough transition (we= me) and went in kicking and screaming as we (we= I) were not ready for the laziness of summer to be over.  But, the calendar kept moving forward whether I was ready or not.  So now, here we are, nearing the end of October.  In the midst of falling leaves, pumpkins on the porch outside and warm tea in our cups inside.  Really, it is my favorite season- I mean tea and cardigans- how could it not be?

It hasn’t been the easiest month.  In between swim practice and meal prepping and school work I have been on the phone with doctors- scheduling MRI’s, driving to Portland, planning for another surgery and now, recovering from said surgery.  In addition we have thrown in an urgent care visit for a six year old we worried had broken his foot (he didn’t), a float plane ride for Mama (it seems so long ago, but isn’t yet documented here!) and pumpkining with cousins.  We took ferry rides with waiting line donuts, bombarded the library with our weekly visits and had our first swim meet of the season.  Weew!


Looking back it has been a lot- oh my.  Our weeks fill up with goodness for sure- we just added some medical excitement to the mix this month.  We are keeping fingers crossed this is it, no more surgery for Mama (like ever, okay?).  My village of helpers are amazing- friends who delivered food and took over carpooling, parents who step in a chauffer and care for my children, and my husband who is hands down the best.  He kept schooling going, bellies fed and the laundry in rotation- all while checking in a work and tending to my medical needs.  I am forever grateful for all of it.


[Our view from our night away (aka hospital room in Portland) and my recovery visitors].

Moving forward, we have some major recovery on our hands as Mama’s rectus muscle and abdominal wall restructuring mends.  The boys have been fabulous.  The older boys are helping out in the kitchen and getting Thacker dressed.  They help carry things and pack lunches.  They have become excellent limb blockers for when little brothers come a little too close to Mama at the moment with their flaying body parts.  I am so lucky to have them.

I may be resting and on recovery mode, but that doesn’t mean that I am not the coolest mom ever.  Thank you Amazon for making me feel like I contributed something to the boys these past few weeks.  The pumpkin structure building was a humongous hit- seriously all the boys were thanking me and telling me how cool it was.  Who knew?  We also made spider webs.  I have a few more fall craft ideas up my sleeves- I may not be able to lift more than a mug of tea, but I still get cool mom points!


For now, here is a glimpse at what we have been up to for the past month.  It fun, exhausting and a bit traumatic.  We hope the next month is also fun, but maybe a little bit more mellow, less time in hospitals, and with less miles driven.
