{this moment}

Last weekend the oldest two participated in a holiday craft bazaar.  They made their own holiday ornaments and were very successful salesmen- they even sold their props.  It was a fun afternoon and I was quite impressed with the quality of crafts from all the kiddos!

The rest of the week was spent with school work and snuggling in front of the fireplace.  It is becoming quite the coveted spot.

November Foodie Adventure

This month’s adventure was food and we headed into the big city.  We planned on taking the bus, but with bridge closures we decided to drive in but take the light rail to Capitol Hill.  First stop- DONUTS!  General Porpoise vanilla was voted the family favorite.  We did not look out of place at all in this very hip corner of Seattle  🙂  I hope these boys know how cool their parents are.

Second, Ellenos yogurt, then a stop at Rachel’s Ginger Beer and a stop for some hom bao  at Pike Place Market.  We finished our day of food with BBQ for dinner.  It was a fun day where we all had a bit of tasty food, walk around our city that the boys love to explore and a ride on public transportation!  They were all disappointed that a bus ride wasn’t in the cards (or ice cream, but some how we made it through).

We all look forward to our adventure days and this day did not disappoint. I do believe these monthly adventures will continue into 2019.

{this moment}

We finished off last week celebrating Grandma before she jetted off for her birthday trip.  Yummy cake!  And candles- a particular 2 year old is very into blowing out candles.  Happy Birthday Grandma!

And some tidbits from our week- movie night!, waiting at co-op, monopoly! and being outside.

One of our most favorite rituals this school year is morning tea.  Every Tuesday morning we gather on the rug in the living room and read books, drink tea and eat a yummy treat we have made together.  It really is fun. 

I love finding Bennett’s drawings around the house.  After a break from drawing, he is back at it with a vengeance.  We have drawing corners and sketchbooks all over the house.

And these fellas…

{this moment}

We had a busy week: co-op, a play in Seattle for the older two, Halloween!! and  Wilderness School.  Bennett spent Thursday night under his fern shelter for the first time.  I tried not to think too much about wind happening outside.

We used our busy week to finish up some school projects and will be ready to start fresh material next week.  It was a good and exhausting week.