

You are now nine. Boy were you excited and really expected the world. You informed me that you would be king for your birthday so everyone would have to do whatever you said. I think I distracted you with wonderfulness, so you requests were pretty tame. Honestly, I was a bit scared as to what you would want. I had to step up my birthday game- but a movie with popcorn and candy, no school work, a bike park trip, and burgers really sealed the deal. It was a very good birthday.

Oh kid, you are stubborn. Let’s just start with that. We butt heads pretty much every day. You want what you want when you want it. Just all the time. You ask ridiculous questions that you know the answer will always be no and then are very disappointed. You push me everyday to be a better parent. Your plans for the day just don’t always jive with what needs to get done. You also don’t believe that it is the law for children to do school work and only want to go to the local private school because you were told they only do Legos for math…

Your imagination is the most wonderfully spectacular thing there is. I constantly watch you play and make believe and really struggle with the battle of needing to pause the play to do some multiplication. Maybe some day we will find a happy middle ground.

You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE music. You want it blasting as loud as possible. Your happy place is relaxing in your bed with a graphic novel and your music. Some days you would rather listen to music than eat dinner. Your distain when we ask you to turn it down is real and I hope that your neighbors when you are older are hard of hearing or very understanding.

Reading. By golly, you’ve got it. It is so true what they say, when you are ready, you are ready. After so many hours/days wondering when it would click it has and now you see it as your super power. You can read everything and we can’t hide the fact that some restaurants have milkshakes. You prefer graphic novels but did enjoy your Magic Treehouse class you took this year. Audiobooks are also your jam and can be found in your room for hours playing Legos and listening to a story.

Legos. You got them taken away for not picking up and you went months without them. We made a deal, you earned them back, and you get very focused. You want to build and be left alone to complete your masterpiece. This sometimes can be problematic with the fact that you share a room with Thacker…

Your favorite day is Thursday when you get to go to Wilderness School. It is so lovely to see you being goofy with your friends. It is also so nice to see you talking with others and your instructors- after years of being in the younger class and not speaking up, it is nice that you feel comfortable there to share what you are thinking. Honestly, it is probably a tall tale, but you do have a following of friends who enjoy your silliness.

You are a kid magnet. It has been awhile since we have been in activities, and this year I am amazed at how now the world gets to see my Rory. My silly, goofy, sweet Rory. You might distract others on the soccer field, but you call everyone your best friend and have even start saving money to buy a friend a horse (she really wants one, you currently have $13).

Rory, you challenge me everyday and I love you for it. You take me out of my comfort zone and make me work to find a groove for us (not in a bad way, you just make me get out of my own head). You have made me more patient, more understanding, and make me laugh regularly. You make me question every decision (probably because you question every decision), make me say yes to candy with breakfast, and more shows than I think is necessary (I am wrong in this thinking, you have told me). You are going to change the world some day kid- I just know it. My job is not to squash your imagination, get in a bit of math, and convince you that I do not make terrible dinners (even IF they do have vegetables in them).

I am so excited for this next year. I can’t wait to watch you out in the world- between swimming, soccer, Wilderness school, and co-op- I want to create a place where we can learn from each other and play. After a couple of years at home- we are ready to balance slow days at home for music and books and adventure days to explore and learn.

Please continue to beeline for me first thing in the morning for a hug and snuggle. Please continue to want to read with me and ask for a nightly dance party. Please continue to be creative, try not to be so hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned, and keep teaching us to be patient. Love you Rory. Happy Birthday!

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