Summer Recap: Part 1

Hey, well, summer happened. Quickly, which seems to be the consensus of most people we have spoken with. We blinked and it was over. We did some things, but let’s start with June first.

Games and Snacks, on repeat

We got our garden planted, wrapped up classes, and did our end of year testing. Henry completed his last year of Wilderness School and participated in Fire Quest and it was quite an experience for him and his parents.

We headed to Montana for a swim meet and had a great, albeit, exhausting weekend. The boy’s swim team goes every year and we look forward to returning next summer. We had 90 degree days, thunderstorms, and found a delicious ice cream establishment. The younger two did a great job being cheerleaders and Dada won major points for taking them to the water park next door.

Bennett had a great meet and helped out by placing in all his events. Our team won!

After the meet we explored Missoula before we took a few days and camped north of Coeur d’Alene at Farragut State Park. It was ridiculously beautiful and it was a great way to start out our summer.

While some stayed back at the beach, Bennett and I hiked up and caught some amazing views. Unfortunately we did not get warm enough to brave the freezing lake.

Once we headed back home it was time to celebrate our favorite new six year old and start our near daily trek to West Seattle. There could be worst places to spend summer days.

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