Summer Recap: Part 2

July. We swam. We drove to swimming. We swam some more.

Since we were sick over Mother’s day, we had a redo and it happened to be low tide (and a pretty spectacular day weather wise, the company wasn’t bad either…)

July was also the month when the reality of what a completely different season of life we are in now. The baby’s have grown and on this particular day I realized that all four boys were in different locations, which never had happened before. Pretty wild.

We squeezed in a little bit of non-swimming fun- oh, but look, we are still near water.

We also did something we hadn’t done for years- we went to a museum! Thank goodness for free first Thursday’s because the younger two were not so sure about all the walking.

Bike park groupie. While brother swims, we ride. We (I) also walk a lot of miles and meet new friends.

Some mornings were spent walking the Sound and some evenings were spent doing the same (thanks multiple swim schedules). This view helped tremendously.

We ended July with Henry and Bennett’s championship meet. Long, hot days at the pool after a long season had these fellas pretty beat. Bennett requested Ihop and it was the least I could do. Many calories were consumed.

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