Summer recap: Part 3

The final bit of summer. We wrapped up swimming just in time to shuttle 2 boys to different camps. Henry volunteered at a Wilderness school camp where his main job was to make sure the 5 year old’s made it to the bathroom, which, he found out, they frequent a LOT. Bennett got his craft on at craft camp and came home with many treasures for us all.

Turns out he loves swimming as well. We now have three swimmer representing Wave Aquatics.

At the end of camp week we took Henry and Bennett to a concert and the next day sent them off on a train with Aunt Amy and Uncle Robin for a week and a half California road trip. It was weird without them around.

California or bust!

In the midst of all this chaos we thought it would be fun for Chris to start a new job. He was at the City of Kirkland for 15 years and unfortunately realized this summer that he needed to look elsewhere. It was a sad and stressful time- he really, really liked working there (well, until the end, obviously). He was incredibly lucky and had a few interviews and a job offer pretty quickly once he started looking. He started with the City of Issaquah in August. What we thought was going to be a few weeks off and hanging out turned into him handing in his work gear in Kirkland on a Monday and starting in Issaquah on Tuesday. Not ideal- but he is getting his groove and is very happy with his decision.

We had decided on Friday morning to book a camping trip for when Henry and Bennett were off on their adventure. Not a few hours later did Chris get the call that they were offering him the Issaquah job. So what was suppose to be a mini-family adventure turned into Mama wrangling the 2 youngest and going camping just the three of us. I am not going to lie, it was exhausting, but we had fun. I can, in fact, start and keep a fire going (Rory can not, even if he says he can, he can light newspaper on fire like a pro though) and can pack and unpack all the camping gear. I also can be fun mom and provide ice cream treats on the way home.

We me up with one of mama’s dear friends, played at the beach, met our cousins at the beach, explored a new state park, and smashed ate ice cream.

We also squeezed in fun outings like getting a new windshield and eating Blizzards. We also surprised new room make overs for Henry and Bennett. Henry got a bigger bed (his poor 6 foot 1 inch body just hung over his twin mattress…) and Bennett got purple walls. It was a great way to distract us from the fact that they weren’t home. We kept the surprise and they were very excited when they got home (although, when I think about it, they were probably just more excited to see their mother than anything).

We quickly welcomed Henry and Bennet home, let them unpack for a second and a few days later headed south for our annual Nehalem Bay camping trip. For a month that did not go as planned and after a whirlwind summer of swim practices- this place is just magically wonderful. I am so glad everyone agrees with me and we all look forward to this tradition. I am so thankful that Chris’s new employer was flexible when he said he had a trip planned. We needed this.

And that was it. I was not ready for September, but it came anyway. It brought swim practice, in-person co-op and a crazy schedule. It also brought back the return of school and not leaving the house every morning before 6 AM. I found myself a bit grumpy about how things turned out this summer (I think I said that last summer as well, but for different reasons), but now, looking back, it was pretty dang special. Who wouldn’t want the privilege of being a part of these guys lives (even if for some days, it really just looks like you drive them places). Gosh I love them and spending time with them- even in the car.

first week back

We just wrapped up our first week back to school. We stumbled, rocked it, and fell flat on our faces- so a pretty good week I would say. We finished everything I wanted and asked of the boys. It felt bittersweet to be saying good-bye to summer and saying hello to our fall routine, but also tremendously wonderful to be back to in-person activities.

We have our first high schooler in our midst. Not sure how the flip that happened, but here we go.

9th Grade
7th Grade
4th Grade
1st Grade

This week included a nature walk, first day of in-person co-op, the return of Bennett’s baking days, Rory making us a snack lunch (will definitely be asking him to start helping with lunches from now on), and Wilderness School for Bennett and Rory. It was an exhausting week, but also so, so good. 2022-2023 school year- here we come!

Summer Recap: Part 2

July. We swam. We drove to swimming. We swam some more.

Since we were sick over Mother’s day, we had a redo and it happened to be low tide (and a pretty spectacular day weather wise, the company wasn’t bad either…)

July was also the month when the reality of what a completely different season of life we are in now. The baby’s have grown and on this particular day I realized that all four boys were in different locations, which never had happened before. Pretty wild.

We squeezed in a little bit of non-swimming fun- oh, but look, we are still near water.

We also did something we hadn’t done for years- we went to a museum! Thank goodness for free first Thursday’s because the younger two were not so sure about all the walking.

Bike park groupie. While brother swims, we ride. We (I) also walk a lot of miles and meet new friends.

Some mornings were spent walking the Sound and some evenings were spent doing the same (thanks multiple swim schedules). This view helped tremendously.

We ended July with Henry and Bennett’s championship meet. Long, hot days at the pool after a long season had these fellas pretty beat. Bennett requested Ihop and it was the least I could do. Many calories were consumed.

Summer Recap: Part 1

Hey, well, summer happened. Quickly, which seems to be the consensus of most people we have spoken with. We blinked and it was over. We did some things, but let’s start with June first.

Games and Snacks, on repeat

We got our garden planted, wrapped up classes, and did our end of year testing. Henry completed his last year of Wilderness School and participated in Fire Quest and it was quite an experience for him and his parents.

We headed to Montana for a swim meet and had a great, albeit, exhausting weekend. The boy’s swim team goes every year and we look forward to returning next summer. We had 90 degree days, thunderstorms, and found a delicious ice cream establishment. The younger two did a great job being cheerleaders and Dada won major points for taking them to the water park next door.

Bennett had a great meet and helped out by placing in all his events. Our team won!

After the meet we explored Missoula before we took a few days and camped north of Coeur d’Alene at Farragut State Park. It was ridiculously beautiful and it was a great way to start out our summer.

While some stayed back at the beach, Bennett and I hiked up and caught some amazing views. Unfortunately we did not get warm enough to brave the freezing lake.

Once we headed back home it was time to celebrate our favorite new six year old and start our near daily trek to West Seattle. There could be worst places to spend summer days.

the rest of may

Always have kitchen assistants on hand.

On Monday’s we hang out at the bike park between older brother swim practice start times.

It has been a wet, cold spring- after much neglect, this garden is coming along. Fingers crossed we get a little sunshine and warmth!
Cute kid ready for swim lessons.

We spent the rest of May recovering, fighting off another cold and sniffles, celebrated a birthday, and tried to get some time outside in the yard. We went to a play for the first time since 2019, wrapped up our co-op and Wilderness school for the year, and got to the pool from time to time. We are ready for summer- hope the sun comes out sometimes soon!



You are now nine. Boy were you excited and really expected the world. You informed me that you would be king for your birthday so everyone would have to do whatever you said. I think I distracted you with wonderfulness, so you requests were pretty tame. Honestly, I was a bit scared as to what you would want. I had to step up my birthday game- but a movie with popcorn and candy, no school work, a bike park trip, and burgers really sealed the deal. It was a very good birthday.

Oh kid, you are stubborn. Let’s just start with that. We butt heads pretty much every day. You want what you want when you want it. Just all the time. You ask ridiculous questions that you know the answer will always be no and then are very disappointed. You push me everyday to be a better parent. Your plans for the day just don’t always jive with what needs to get done. You also don’t believe that it is the law for children to do school work and only want to go to the local private school because you were told they only do Legos for math…

Your imagination is the most wonderfully spectacular thing there is. I constantly watch you play and make believe and really struggle with the battle of needing to pause the play to do some multiplication. Maybe some day we will find a happy middle ground.

You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE music. You want it blasting as loud as possible. Your happy place is relaxing in your bed with a graphic novel and your music. Some days you would rather listen to music than eat dinner. Your distain when we ask you to turn it down is real and I hope that your neighbors when you are older are hard of hearing or very understanding.

Reading. By golly, you’ve got it. It is so true what they say, when you are ready, you are ready. After so many hours/days wondering when it would click it has and now you see it as your super power. You can read everything and we can’t hide the fact that some restaurants have milkshakes. You prefer graphic novels but did enjoy your Magic Treehouse class you took this year. Audiobooks are also your jam and can be found in your room for hours playing Legos and listening to a story.

Legos. You got them taken away for not picking up and you went months without them. We made a deal, you earned them back, and you get very focused. You want to build and be left alone to complete your masterpiece. This sometimes can be problematic with the fact that you share a room with Thacker…

Your favorite day is Thursday when you get to go to Wilderness School. It is so lovely to see you being goofy with your friends. It is also so nice to see you talking with others and your instructors- after years of being in the younger class and not speaking up, it is nice that you feel comfortable there to share what you are thinking. Honestly, it is probably a tall tale, but you do have a following of friends who enjoy your silliness.

You are a kid magnet. It has been awhile since we have been in activities, and this year I am amazed at how now the world gets to see my Rory. My silly, goofy, sweet Rory. You might distract others on the soccer field, but you call everyone your best friend and have even start saving money to buy a friend a horse (she really wants one, you currently have $13).

Rory, you challenge me everyday and I love you for it. You take me out of my comfort zone and make me work to find a groove for us (not in a bad way, you just make me get out of my own head). You have made me more patient, more understanding, and make me laugh regularly. You make me question every decision (probably because you question every decision), make me say yes to candy with breakfast, and more shows than I think is necessary (I am wrong in this thinking, you have told me). You are going to change the world some day kid- I just know it. My job is not to squash your imagination, get in a bit of math, and convince you that I do not make terrible dinners (even IF they do have vegetables in them).

I am so excited for this next year. I can’t wait to watch you out in the world- between swimming, soccer, Wilderness school, and co-op- I want to create a place where we can learn from each other and play. After a couple of years at home- we are ready to balance slow days at home for music and books and adventure days to explore and learn.

Please continue to beeline for me first thing in the morning for a hug and snuggle. Please continue to want to read with me and ask for a nightly dance party. Please continue to be creative, try not to be so hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned, and keep teaching us to be patient. Love you Rory. Happy Birthday!

{this moment}

After what might have been the longest two weeks ever, we are slowly getting back into things. Boys are back at practice, Wilderness school, and this weekend they can return to playing with the neighbors (this is a VERY big deal). However, the biggest news of the week has got to be that Thacker now pronounces the “g” in hungry and we just can’t deny that he is growing up any longer.

I spy a reader in a sea of blankets.
After dinner reading and drawing.

and we are down

After avoiding it for over two years, the dreaded virus entered our house last week. We have spent the last week watching a lot of television, wondering who will catch it next, and canceling plans. Luckily the children are recovering quickly, Chris and Grandma are in competition to see who can catch it last, and we have very comfortable beds and couches. We will see you on the other end!

Before he fell victim- cowboy student. He has very much enjoyed the extra television and lack of school work.
Patient zero enjoying the benefits of being under the weather. This guy missed a swim meet and has been bouncing off the walls waiting for his isolation period to be over. He returns to swim practice this evening and he is very, very excited.
Like I said, A LOT of television and rosy cheeks around here. We are now onto the croupy phase of recovery.


Seems like I keep writing the same thing over and over again. We have been busy- school, swimming, soccer, feeding participants of mentioned sports, and keeping the gas tank full- this has been the extent of our month. It has flown by, as time tends to do.

We have been doing our art projects and can not wait for this class to be in person in September…
Waiting for our friend Z to come home.

Let’s briefly discuss the biggest news of the month- this guy got a hair cut. What started out as an attempt to keep it shaggy- turned my 5 year old into a 1970’s British rock star for a few days. We fixed it and he is very, very smitten with his new do. His parents are doing fine, but do find themselves uncontrollably sobbing from time to time.

Rory sponsored an event in our garden and it has yet to be determined how many plants didn’t make it through the excavation.

EASTER! We had brunch with family at our house and the boys did not go neglected with the egg hunt. Henry let us know that he was too old for egg hunts as he has figured out others can do the work and he can still eat candy. Wise beyond his years that one.

He asked if he could- I am not one to say no to work.
This guy and I braved IKEA for the first time in over 2 years. I somehow spent the majority of the trip carrying a bag full of stuffies… Not sure how he does it, but he usually gets what he wants.
We blew off some steam and harvested nettles. Yes, everyone got stung.
A required photo every time we hike here.
How they did not push each other off of this still surprises me.
In another edition of what Mama and Thacker do on Thursday’s. He asked to go for a walk to the coffee shop. You order chocolate milk and they also give you a lollipop- I did not know this, but he did. Smart fella.



Fourteen years ago (and two months) you came into our lives plump, hairy, and extraordinarily wonderful. Each year I can’t believe how fast it goes and feel immensely grateful to be apart of your life. What a ride kid. No one really prepares you for the year your son will tower over you in the kitchen. Or that you will, in fact, have intelligent, thoughtful conversations with them. Or that you will stress over wanting them to experience all the good in the world with limited amount of the bad. But here we are- navigating this teenagerhood together. Gosh kiddo, we love you so much.

Being as old as you are you had no problem celebrating your birthday early so we didn’t have to bring all your presents to Hawaii. You really took one for the team this year. We had to be in Hawaii for your birthday. You could have made a list of demands for your “day” but you really just wanted to play at the beach and the pool which was quite easy to accommodate. In lieu of cake we walked to ice cream where you got the smallest scoop due to a miscommunication with your father. You did get a chance to finish off all your brother’s helpings since they couldn’t eat that much. You will forever to remember to bring that injustice up, I am sure 😉

Speaking of food. You eat A. LOT. It is really mind-blowing the amount of food you consume. If you do not consume appropriate quantities you get very, very hangry. This is most unpleasant as you can then no longer function and decide to just continue not to eat which makes things worse. We are working on making sure we never get to this angry point when possible.

We have given you the reins of your schooling this year. Meaning you are in charge of your online classes and you must prioritize when things get done. Trying this out this year so that you can be prepared as necessary for your first year of high school next year. I think you will do just fine. You make yourself to-do lists, you turn all your work in on time, and do not need me to remind you. You have really shined this year with this aspect. It was quite overwhelming at the beginning of the school year, but you have adjusted just fine.

History is still your favorite subject and you continue to consume numerous books. In Hawaii you just wanted to read on the beach some afternoons and this really goes to show how much of a transition these past few years have been and will continue to be.

You have fallen in love with swimming. You liked it before, but after 16 months of not having it, you have really taken to the sport and it really shows. You continue to improve, be a joy for your coaches, and rarely complain about the early morning wake ups. You moved up groups this week and started using dumbbells. What? Are you ready for this? It really is a joy to see you in this element- something that was such a meaningful part of your parents lives.

This will be your last year of Wilderness School for you and it is a bit bittersweet. You loved it so much for so many years and it has become apparent this year that we have outgrown it. I am trying to remind myself of the wonderful times you had and how much it meant to us when you were younger- seasons of life man, they can be a difficult transition.

Henry- what a trip this whole teenage thing is. We, undoubtedly, will mess something up, but what a joy it is to navigate this part of your life with you. I really enjoy the ability to include you in conversations, introduce you to more movies that are not animated, and having a co-pilot in the front seat with me when we are driving. Happy Birthday kiddo. We love you so much and look forward to going along with you for the next year and years to come. Keep being you.